Friday, July 13, 2007

i am finish

i have finally finished the 2.0. i can not wait to get my mp3 player. but on top of getting a cool prizes. i have learned some cool and interesting new things that can take and use in my everyday life at the library and on my personal computer etc...

podcast and audio

i have downloaded audio books before from the library i love like it. its a cool feature to have and when i get my mp3 i can do it on that.

Digital Music

this topic was interesting i liked when i typed in an artists name it appeared with there information and a sample of there music.

week 8

i kind of knew about flickr so it wasn't something really new that i learned this week . kind of boring

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

week 7 fun stuff

I liked dogster and catster it was really funny ad cute looking at there pictures and things. also the word puzzle was neat

library thing

i had fun on the week 6 exercises i signed up for library things, shelfari, and what to read next. i have a lot of books to post and find. the motormap usa was interesting and helping i can uses this when i look for my next car.

my Meez

week 4

i already know about u tube and myspace i have accounts on both. but i have never heard of seomoz . these sites are aways fun to go on.

week 3

i am still trucking along even though it's at the rate of a snail. i was having some trouble with finding rss feeds at first, but when i finally figured out what i was doing it was pretty cool. i got 2 feeds from the library, 1 feed for the horoscope i got to know what the day will bring lol! and 2 others. i find that i am a visual learner at best with tactile coming in a hard second. When i went on Grokker i found it interesting i like it.i typed in harry potter and got a detailed categorized list of events in the book very cool very cool.